Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Self Awareness and the Effective Leader Example

Essays on Self Awareness and the Effective Leader Article Self-awareness and Leadership Self-awareness is key to leadership because leaders must be able to see beyond themselves in order to inspire or create something new. Leaders are individuals that are not obsessed with their own failings or their own strengths (Musslewhite, 2007). Being self-aware means you understand who you are, what your purpose is and how you can contribute to the overcoming of obstacles. People that are not self-aware tend to have a skewed vision of themselves. They either think they are much better at something than their abilities allow, or they feel that they are powerless to enact change because they to not recognize their own inherent strengths. With way, the person that lacks self-awareness is not fit for true leadership because leaders are dynamic and outward looking, not inward dwelling. Leadership and self-confidence are closely related. You absolutely must believe in a course of action if you are going to lead other people down the path that the course follows. This self-confidence needs to be grounded in a firm understanding of your own abilities, and understanding of the tasks that must be accomplished and the setting of attainable goals that will allow you to show progress as a leader. True-self confidence is reserved for people with high levels of self-awareness. Self-awareness and self-confidence are not the same attribute, but they are closely related. Confidence grows out of awareness. As a leader is successful in enacting real and meaningful change, as the leader creates new tools, product and processes, a positive feedback loop is established between a person’s growing self-awareness and their growing self-confidence (Hooper, 2011). This positive feedback is what inspires leaders to keep creating and inspiring others to create. Self-Awareness and Management Self-awareness is one of the most important attributes a good manager can have. Management requires sound judgment, patience and an acute sense of fairness. The manager is not interested in innovation or inspiration. Managers maintain the status quo and provide a sense of direction and stability that is important for the overall health and functioning of the organization. Self-awareness is vital for managers because individuals that are self-aware do not engage in behaviors that disrupt stability and the status quo. Individuals that are self-aware understand their strengths and weakness and take ownership for both in equal measure (Noble, 2012). They do not seek to spread blame when the blame lies with their own decisions. Managers do not engage in petty politics or power struggles if they are self-aware. Managers that are jealous, spiteful or vindictive all suffer from a lack of understanding about their purpose within the organization and what needs to be done in order to be an effective manager. People lacking self-awareness are insecure and often see other people as threats to their position and authority within the organization. Managers need self-awareness just as much as leaders do. We often tend to portray good management as somehow inferior to good leadership. Leadership is dynamic and glamorous, but management is essential to the success of the business or organization. Self-awareness is vital for both types of jobs. Works Cited Hooper, Dennis. "Feedback, Self-Awareness and Confidence." Houston Home Journal (2011). Print. Musselwhite, Chris. "Self Awareness and the Effective Leader - Leading a Company - Employee Feedback |" Small Business Ideas and Resources for Entrepreneurs. Mansueto Ventures LLC, 1 Oct. (2007). . Noble, Jeri. "Self-Awareness and Acceptance for Confidence and Self- Esteem." Personal Development and Growth, Life Purpose, Reflexology Foot Chart. HeartCore Corporation (2011). Web. 19 Jan. 2012. .

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